Live Laugh Love & Metal Blots
12 x 9
wood, letters, metal tape, black metal paint & metal paint on flashing with patina solution
For Mixed Media. Experiment with metal techniques. In Live Laugh Love I adhereed metal tape over letters then used darker metal paint to add some depth. In Metal Blots I placed metal paint on the flashing pressed the pieces together and then added various patinas.
Hidden Book
9 x 7
altered book
For Book Arts. Take a book and make something new from it. I have always thought false books are cool. Books that look like books but actually hold treasures. I also wanted a cool case for my iPad. I went to a local used book store and bought a book for $2. I made a template, cut out all of the pages, and then glued them all together. Quite a bit of work. I love the way it looks though. A cool/ safe way to carry around my iPad :)